This is a muck around page for illustrating certain aspects of what’s possible in Squarespace and generally trying out stuff


Test Squarespace AI

eg write a list of pros & cons about community batteries

Pros and Cons of Community Batteries
Community batteries are innovative energy storage solutions that are gaining popularity in various communities. These batteries provide a range of benefits, but they also come with their own set of challenges. Let's explore the pros and cons of community batteries:
1. Energy Resilience: Community batteries enhance energy resilience within a community. By storing excess renewable energy, they can provide a consistent power supply during peak demand or in the event of grid outages or natural disasters. This ensures uninterrupted access to electricity for community members.
2. Renewable Integration: Community batteries play a crucial role in integrating renewable energy into the grid. They can store excess solar or wind power generated during optimal conditions and release it during periods of high demand or when intermittent sources are not producing. This helps to reduce reliance on fossil fuel-based backup power plants.
3. Demand Management: With community batteries, energy demand can be managed more effectively at the local level. By storing and releasing energy strategically, these batteries can help flatten peak demand, reduce strain on the grid, and potentially reduce the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.
4. Cost Reduction: Community batteries can potentially reduce energy costs for participating community members. By sharing the cost of installation and maintenance among multiple users, the financial burden can be minimized. Additionally, storing excess energy during off-peak periods and using it during peak times can help mitigate high electricity prices.
5. Capacity Sharing: Community batteries promote the sharing of resources within a community. They allow households with limited rooftop solar capacity or those unable to install solar panels to benefit from renewable energy storage. This ensures a more equitable distribution of the advantages associated with renewable energy.
1. High Initial Costs: Community battery projects require significant upfront investment, including the cost of the batteries, installation, and associated infrastructure. These expenses can be a barrier for communities with limited financial resources, making community batteries inaccessible for some areas.
2. Location and Space Requirements: Finding suitable locations for community batteries can be challenging. These installations typically require adequately sized land or buildings, preferably close to renewable energy generation sources or substations. Identifying and securing suitable sites within a community may be a complex process.
3. Maintenance and Lifespan: Community batteries require regular maintenance and have a finite lifespan. Replacing batteries can be expensive and involves proper disposal or recycling of the old ones. The responsibility for ongoing operation, maintenance, and eventual replacement may need to


Community Engagement in Installing Electrical Infrastructure in Public Parks
Community engagement is crucial when installing electrical infrastructure in public parks. The involvement of the local community ensures a collaborative approach that considers the diverse needs and perspectives of park users. By engaging with the community, park planners and installers can gather valuable insights and feedback, which leads to more informed decisions. Moreover, community engagement fosters a sense of ownership and pride among park visitors, as they witness their input being incorporated into the planning process. When people are involved in the decision-making regarding electrical infrastructure in public parks, it promotes transparency and accountability, enhancing the overall integrity of the project. Ultimately, community engagement not only addresses potential concerns and challenges but also allows for the creation of vibrant and sustainable public spaces that cater to the needs of all park users.

 Search ZEN website

Soundcloud audio clips

Here’s an RSS feed for ZEN News

This is a demonstration section text block which illustrates the text formatting styles


This is Heading 1 (mixed case as typed) - Omnes Pro : 32

Heading 1 Bold

Heading 1 italic

Heading 1 bold & italic

ZEN Squarespace Heading 1 font

ZEN Squarespace Heading 1 font


Heading 2 - (auto converted to uppercase) - Proxima Nova : 22

Heading 2 bold

Heading 2 italic

Heading 2 bold & italic

Heading 3 - (auto converted to uppercase) - proxima Nova : 16

Heading 3 bold

heading 3 italic

Heading 3 bold & italic

Normal text - Nudista Web : 16

Normal text bold

Normal text italic

Normal text bold & italic

We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the Earth. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.
- Josefin Slab : 24 : italic
— example of a quote with attribution - Thich Nhat Hanh

Here is an example of an embedded ZEN FB timeline - just using FB default width & height

2nd FB example, width = 500, height = 1000

more FB display options

Instructions to add FB feed to a page

Go to FB developer page -

(Note: Geoff has already setup developer account)

FB provides 2 sets of code to add to Squarespace (use JavaScript)

  • first code block - needs to embedded once on the ZEN Squarespace site. For this “muck around page”, I’ve added this to the “page settings code injection” of the page, edit the page - advanced

  • 2nd code block - create a squarespace “code block” and paste the code that FB created

  • That’s it

  • you may wish to fiddle with some of the FB display parameters

Click on the image below to view sample real time data from Fronius system

Example of a live Fronius data feed

Example of a live Fronius data feed

Following is a test of api

Following is a test of - charting

canvas.js should be free for non-commercial use