Battery Storage
While solar panel technology being has been fairly constant over the years. The revolution in solar energy is battery storage. Solar will generate energy during daylight hours for instant use around the home, battery storage allows us to capture the excess energy generated and store it for night time use. Evening energy use makes up a large component of grid consumption for households. By utilising the energy our system produces during the day we are well on the way to maximising the savings from our solar installations and reaching zero emissions. Having battery storage installed alongside our solar PV system may not immediately mean that we will have power supply during an outage, discuss this with the installer when planning the specifications.
Local residential installation of SolarEdge backup inverters with two LG Chem RESU 9.8kW batteries
What to consider
Home battery storage is a hot topic for energy-conscious consumers. If you have solar panels on your roof, there's an obvious benefit to storing any unused electricity in a battery to use at night or on low-sunlight days. But just how do these batteries work and what do you need to know before installing one? Choice have produced a wonderful guide to what to look for with the assistance of ITP Renewables the group who completed our Roadmap Report.